Dry Eye Treatment Options

When you have dry eye syndrome, the condition is chronic and will typically continue to worsen. Depending on what caused it and how severe it is, it may not be curable. However, you can usually at least manage dry eyes successfully. This can result in a noticeably higher eye comfort, sharper vision, and fewer symptoms of dry eye. There is a variety of different treatments for dry eye.


Artificial Tears


It is likely that your eye doctor may start you off with artificial tears. Using these drops frequently can help keep your eyes lubricated. There are many types to choose from, so your eye doctor will help you choose the best type for your eyes. Your eye doctor may recommend that you use several different brands of eye drops.

If this is the case, then it is important to follow the directions accurately. You should not substitute other types of brands for the ones your eye doctor recommends. Using different brands can make it difficult to tell how well the treatments are working. Different brands may also react with each other.


Steroid Eye Drops


Recently, having inflammation has been recognized as causing dry eyes. Inflammation can cause redness and burn in dry eyes. In this case, artificial tears are not enough to address this type of condition. Your eye doctor may recommend that you use steroid eye drops to manage your underlying condition.

Usually, steroid eye drops are used for the short term and can quickly manage your symptoms. Often, they are used along with artificial tears. This will complement the treatment and help it go faster.

One thing to keep in mind about steroid eye drops is that they can cause negative side effects. It is important to tell your eye doctor about your full medical history. That can help you get the best treatment possible.


Meibomian Gland Expression


Often, dry eyes are caused by a lack of oil being secreted. The openings of the meibomian glands are near the base of your eyelashes. If the openings of the glands are clogged, then the oil cannot do its job. Normally, the oil will keep your tear film from evaporating too fast. The condition is called meibomian gland dysfunction.

To treat meibomian gland dysfunction and prevent dry eye, you may have a procedure that is known as meibomian gland expression. You may first have warm compresses applied to your eyelids. Then a device will be used to squeeze your clogged glands. Contents such as hardened meibum may be removed in this manner. Your eye doctor can help you decide if this treatment is right for you.


Nutritional Supplements


Sometimes, adding supplements to your diet can help dry eye. Omega-3 fatty acids can help relieve your dry eyes. It is important for you to never take a supplement without first consulting your eye doctor.

If you think you may benefit from one of these treatment options, please make an appointment at Claremore Eye Associates in Claremore, Oklahoma, today.

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