Digital Screen Protection for the Eyes

Digital Screen Protection for the Eyes

Blue light is present in sunlight, indoor lighting, and digital screens. While blue light has its advantages, it can also cause havoc to your health. According to the American Association of Ophthalmology, exposure to blue light has increased significantly since the pandemic. More people resort to online work and education, making them more vulnerable to eye conditions, such as digital eyestrain. If you want to understand more things about digital screen protection for the eyes, here’s what you should know.


The 30-degree Rule


Currently, the most common source of blue light is your digital device. Your eyes can receive high amounts of blue light from hours of using computers and mobile gadgets. Holding them at an angle of 30-degrees can decrease the blue light that your eyes absorb.


Screen Filters


You can protect your eyes from blue light by installing filters on your computer, phone, or tablet monitors. These thin, clear barriers can reduce the blue light that your devices emit. Most screen filters are designed to fit computers and gadgets. You can install them without disrupting the touch screen’s sensitivity or harming it in any way. These filters are beneficial for younger users who don’t have proper eye protection. Children tend to absorb more blue light than adults. Yet, they must use more gadgets now to get their lessons or educational games through online sources.


Blue Light Blocking Plugin


You can install a plugin that can block the blue light that your gadgets emit. These blue light blocking plugins start immediately when you use your browser. They change the light of your screens to shield your eyes from the strong, bright light. You can adjust the degree of protection to fit your needs.


Comfort View


This setting changes the intense light of your screen to a softer light. It minimizes the contrast between your surrounding light and your screen. You can access this setting in the display settings of your gadgets or computer. It helps the blue light blocking plugin in decreasing your digital eye strain.


Intraocular Lenses (IOLs)


If you have cataracts, you can have surgery to replace your cloudy lenses with IOLs. These lenses have a natural ability to protect your eyes from blue light and ultraviolet light. You can ask your eye care provider about IOLs that have more layers of protection from blue light.


Blue Light Blocking Glasses


Experts say that blue light blocking glasses have a special type of spectrum that absorbs the blue light from your computers and gadgets. You should look for glasses that can block 90-99 percent of emitted blue light. These glasses usually have orange or amber lenses. Studies show that if you use them regularly, you can decrease your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and digital eyestrain.


Protecting your eyes from blue light can help you maintain your eye and vision health. At Claremore Eye Associates, we always educate our patients about the harmful effects of blue light. Please visit our clinic in Claremore, Oklahoma, for an in-person consultation. You can also call us at (918) 233-3319 if you want to schedule an appointment or make inquiries about our blue light blocking glasses and contact lenses.




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